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Educational Opportunities for Professionals

End of Life Ethics

This DVD course is provided through the Hospice Foundation of America. The program uses a case study approach to examine the ethical issues and dilemmas that emerge at the end-of-life. Ethical decisions at the end of life converge around issues such as finances, laws, values, culture, and technology. This program also addresses the principles of ethical decision making, and the effects of these decisions on staff and families. End of Life Ethics: A Case Study Approach


Beyond Kübler-Ross

This on-demand 2 hour course is provided through the Hospice Foundation of America. New Perspectives on Death, Dying and Grief explores the most current theoretical perspectives on dying, death, and grief, emphasizing areas where understandings of dying, death, and grief have been challenged and developed since the 1969 publication of Kübler-Ross’ epochal work, On Death and Dying. 

Beyond Kübler-Ross


Professional Resources

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